American Pompons

American Pompons

Narrow cut poms feature 3/16" wide cut streamers available in numerous different lengths and colors.

Styles are determined by streamer counts. Made from waterproof, shed-proof and fade resistant materials.


Plastic pompons - narrow cut: Made of bright, plastic material in sports colors.

Pom Codes:

P45 - 3,000 Streamers up to 12" long

P90 - 5,500 Streamers up to 12" long

P150 - 7,000 Streamers 15" long


Metallic pompons - narrow cut: Made of bright, metallic material in sports colors.

Pom Codes:

M126 - 4,000 Metallic Streamers up to 12" long

M157 - 4,000 Metallic Streamers 15" long 


All poms are completely waterproof, shed-proof and fade resistant.

There are different handles from which to choose.